DATE: Friday, September 3, 2010.
TIME: 3:41pm - 5:20pm
Celebrity architecture, landmark art, and alfresco dining characterize this walk near Chinatown’s east side.
This was definately our most spontaneous walk yet. We met at Osgoode station, with 3 possible walks to choose from, and we ended up with this. Situated just south of UofT and north of Queen Street, this is an area we’ve both explored numerous times. But perhaps the walk will point out places we’ve never been to or noticed before. One thing I wonder about is the name of the area. Is it officially called the Dundas and Baldwin Village? I always thought it was the Village Grange…. Should ask Sean, he lives along this walk.
Disclaimer : Was feeling pretty sick before this walk... had this massive headache too. Tried taking a tylenol and a nap to try to feel better, with no success. Sorry Mon, if I was kinda a grump.
In regards to Mon's comment above, I always thought it was called Village Grange too... There's even a sign near the food court across the AGO. The cards isn't all knowing as we've been finding out...
Alma, you better have a good reason for including this picture.
There's no real explanation to it... I'm sorry... but after taking a zoomed up picture of mccaul street sign, I forgot to zoom back... hence the really close up pic of mon's teeth and nose. Sorry Mon... you can take it down if you wish.
Take 2! I'm not sure why we decided to take a picture infront of a white wall. We can be anywhere for all you know! I guess that's with any other picture that we take since we usually take up the whole frame. We're really at McCaul... I swear.
Our walk starts at McCaul and Queen which we think is a little odd. Just because the card tells us to take the street car and get off here. Why doesn’t it just give directions from Osgoode station?
good question! It's only a 5 min walk too... maybe even less.
good question! It's only a 5 min walk too... maybe even less.
What do you think this artist is trying to say? why is that guy sticking out his tongue and having people point at him, while another is trying to give him a flower. What's with the waves? any thoughts?!
1. Sharp Centre for Design (100 McCaul St.)
Part of the Ontario College of Art and Design, this Will Alsop – designed structure – think pixelated tabletop suported b crayons- is at the forefront of Toronto’s architectural reniaissance.
Hmm, I don’t think I ever realized that’s what it was.
2. Art Gallery of Ontario (317 Dundas St. W.)
Redesigned by Frank Gehry, Toronto’s most famous local-born artchitect, this remarkable building houses a vast collection of iconic Canadian and international works, contemporary pieces, photography, and the world’s largest public collection of Henry Moore Sculptures.
I actually tried to get us free passes from the Toronto Public Library for the AGO. Unfortunately they were all out. I get in for free though (a teacher perk) so I could have abandoned Alma and went for a stroll amongst the art. (Revenge for that god-awful close up). I actually visited the museum about a month ago with my friend Brianne. We aimlessly walked around admiring the work. I liked the Henry Moore exhibit (Alma had to remind me of the name). He has a lot of work displayed inside as well as a piece outside the building. In the exhibit they have all these newpaper articles about the controvery that ensued from the sculpture he was commissioned to create for Nathan Phillips Square. Thought it was interesting. However, I’m saving that anecdote for that walk.
Alma what do you think about the redesign?
I like the redesign. Michael, from Berlin... doesn't like it as much. I just love the use of wood and glass. I never thought the AGO looked like much of a gallery till now. But everyone has their opinions.
I have some fond memories at the AGO... for one... I took a drawing/painting course there in grade 9. I met some pretty fantastic and talented people too... This girl named Taryn and I bonded right away... and we'd go around Queen Street during our lunch break and explore all these different shops that I've never heard before. There was also this boy named Tom, that I had a huge crush on. He was tall and lanky... and once wore these bright red pair of pants. I also remember this other guy named Nicholas, who was this brilliant drawer, i can still picture this indian mask that he drew. The course was only 1 week long... and i remember being so intimidated at first by everyone but also how close everyone was at the end. I'm curious what kind of work everyone is producing these days.
some of my favourite exhibits that i've seen and remembered @ the AGO: van gogh, matisse, tom thompson
There’s that sculpture. What do you think it is?
Good question... maybe it's reclining figure 625... Henry Moore is most famous for his reclining figures.
Ahh, for once I’m making a weird face on purpose!
GO Monica! (that's what it says...)
3. Bau Xi (340 Dundas St. W.)
…where more than 50 estabilished contemporary artists and emerging talents are represented.
I don't know why I find galleries intimidating... but this is just another example that.
4. St. Patrick’s Church (141 McCaul St.)
The "Romanesque" church…. Houses 23 beautiful stained-glass windows.
Alma’s just grateful I didn’t make her take pictures of all 23 stain glass windows.
Thanks, Mon! It's already hard just taking one indoor pic.
Thanks, Mon! It's already hard just taking one indoor pic.
When Alma was taking some of these pics, she decided to use me as a tripod. Big mistake. I was trembling so much, for no good reason.
You were a wonderful tripod... except that I had to umm.. take 3 pics just to get this one. But still, good job!
Side note: This is where my parent's got married!
You were a wonderful tripod... except that I had to umm.. take 3 pics just to get this one. But still, good job!
Side note: This is where my parent's got married!
Next we are ordered by the cards to turn left onto Baldwin St., lined with restaurants.
We’re only a block south of UofT and so Baldwin Street and its many restaurants have been explored by both of us before. Though never together if I’m not mistaken. I feel like I can never keep track of the different places and where I’ve eaten though… odd, cause I usually remember such things. Alcohol may be a factor.
I don't know the names of anything... but have tried out that Mexican place w/Nina and Liz once... We ordered two pitchers of Sangria one summer and talked the night away.
Also tried out a sushi place, just before heading out for Nuit Blanche with some artsy kids. Fun night.
5. Kowloon Dim Sum (5 Baldwin St.)
"among the best"
Wonder why I haven't tried it, if it's among the best. It's been kind of a made up tradition with the girls to go for Dim Sum on New Years along Spadina. We actually only have done this once. But it's a nice thought.
So we passed with little independent video store. What was super cool about this place is that they also sold ice cream! Woohoo. I liked its little neighborhood charm – reminds me of "Be Kind, Rewind". What an awesome movie…. And love the rubber duckie on the patio. How cool is that? (I have a soft spot for rubber duckies.)
I don't think I liked that movie... and I didn't know you have a soft spot for rubber duckies. Cause so do i! In high school, Stef bought me 3 and I named 2 of them Joel, Job... one of my classmates Abraham named the last one RD. Joel got all the attention... and turned a gross colour after awhile. I have a pretty sad collection of rubber duckies...
I don't think I liked that movie... and I didn't know you have a soft spot for rubber duckies. Cause so do i! In high school, Stef bought me 3 and I named 2 of them Joel, Job... one of my classmates Abraham named the last one RD. Joel got all the attention... and turned a gross colour after awhile. I have a pretty sad collection of rubber duckies...
6. Margarita’s Fiesta Room (14 Baldwin St.)
"among the best"
Oh! this is the place that Nina, Liz and I went for Mexican food. It was truly a beautiful summer night.
7. John’s Italian Caffe (27 Baldwin St.)
Usually I’m really quick with touching my nose, but Alma’s been pretty stealthy the last few times. So the decision was left to me. I chose to eat here since neither of us had been here before and for some reason I thought it would be cheap. It wasn’t crazy expensive, but didn’t have as many inexpensive options as I had anticipated. None the less, it was an interesting meal. We had a really weird server. A little too comfortable with us. When he came to take our orders and I wasn’t ready, he kept saying "Do it, do it now" (which of course made me think of a particular Friends episode). And then he would exit from one direction and reenter from another trying to creep us out. He even hid in a little corridor leading to the bathrooms (?) pretending to spy on us. And then once he apparated* out of nowhere, and put his chin on my shoulder.
[ *apparated from the word apparation = to magically disappear (disapparate) and appear in another place. (Yes this is my Harry Potter reference for this blog)]
A little too friendly is an understatement. I feel like he was flirting with you, Mon! But yeah, Mon tried taking his picture a couple of times from afar with no success. He's quite the character though... greasy on the hair side and a bit creepy overall.
I had a pasta dish…can’t remember what it was called. Had goat cheese, and black olives, and pesto. I was between that one and another and the weird waiter recommended it. It was good, but nothing I couldn’t have made on my own. Kind of regret not getting the other dish.
Alma’s lunch
Yeah, my dish wasn't that impressive either.... I had a grilled eggplant panini. It was tasteless.
Alma’s pic is a little blury cause as mentioned before, I’m always trembling for no good reason.
8. Roi du Couscous (45 Baldwin St.)
Apparently the couscous king has been usurped cause its been replaced by this Japanese restaurant. Another thing to mention to the card publishers.
I feel like there's no longer a point to write to the publishers anymore... there's just way too much stuff to mention now! What's the publishing date of these cards?
I feel like there's no longer a point to write to the publishers anymore... there's just way too much stuff to mention now! What's the publishing date of these cards?
9. Tea and Ginseng (454 Dundas St. W.)
Expect countless teas served by knowledgeable staff in an attractive cafe.Well the card told us to expect it… but we shouldn’t have gotten our hopes up. Wasn’t quite what we expected. They sold a lot of teas there, but wasn’t really a tea shop for people to enjoy there stuff on site. That’s not entirely true. They did sell tea…. i don’t know. Didn’t have the right vibe so we ended up going else where for our tea fix. A little help Alma?
They did have horoscope tea. As a picies, mine was mint chocolate. Which does sounds very "Monica".
I think Mon is trying to say... that this tea shop kind of resembles a chinese medicinal shoppe. Well maybe she wasn't thinking that, but that's what it reminds me of. It's not like the tea emporium, where there are several containers on the wall and you ask to smell the different teas. I dunno... Mon's right though... maybe it just didn't have a western vibe of a tea shoppe.
I don't recall my horoscope... it might've sound 'alma-like'... does that mean i have to go back?! say it ain't so...
Well the walk is over. It was super short. If we didn’t stop to eat, probably wouldn’t have taken us more than 20 minutes, and that includes taking pictures.

Alma's Rating: I had somewhat high expectations for this walk for some weird reason. I guess it's partly because I like this area... but I guess in knowing this area, I was hoping the cards would introduce me to some sort of hidden treasure... unfortunately the cards didn't unveil anything great... so like Mon, I'll have to give this walk a 2...not too sure how to use emoticons... mon, where is that button on this?! anyhow.. it's a 2... :( :(
I could switch these... but it's funnier this way no? Alright, here's Alma's frowny faces:

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