Karaoke bars, markets, and exotic delicacies will transport you to Seoul on this facinating walk, which includes a dash of Toronto's darkest history.
DATE: Saturday, April 2, 2011.
TIME: 3:03pm - 4:13pm
A beatutiful day! Not as cold as I thought it would be. We're in spring jackets!
So even though I've walked this stretch of Bloor plenty of times, I haven't paid much attention to the venues, so the walk should be enlightening!
Like Mon, I've been here so many times! The girls and I often come here for some cheap (and when I say cheap, I mean cheap!) Korean food, followed by some XO karaoke (who doesn't like singing out of tune to 80s, 90s pop songs?! I sure do!). Let's see what the cards have in store for us!
So even though I've walked this stretch of Bloor plenty of times, I haven't paid much attention to the venues, so the walk should be enlightening!
Like Mon, I've been here so many times! The girls and I often come here for some cheap (and when I say cheap, I mean cheap!) Korean food, followed by some XO karaoke (who doesn't like singing out of tune to 80s, 90s pop songs?! I sure do!). Let's see what the cards have in store for us!
Take 1 of the traditional Alma-Monica starting photo. I had to include this picture for pay back for some unflattering Monica pictures.
Thanks, Mon! I'm smiling nonetheless!
Thanks, Mon! I'm smiling nonetheless!
Take 2: Much better.
Look at those smiles! :)
Look at those smiles! :)
1. Christie Pits Park
....where, following a 1933 baseball tournament , Nazi sympathizers descended on a team of Jewish players, provoking a riot that lasted many hours and involved more than 10,000 people. Now, as in pre-riot days, families flock to the park to picnic and make use of its extensive sporting facilities, which include an outdoor ice skating rink, splash pad and pool, and toboggan runs in winter.
Hey, did you know that the Toronto Maple Leafs play here?... the baseball team that it.
Oh Monica...
Hey, did you know that the Toronto Maple Leafs play here?... the baseball team that it.
Oh Monica...
Amid my research I discovered there used to be sand pits here till the early 1900's. They were known as the Christie Sand Pits. Named after the street. And the street is named after Mr. Christie of course, (you know, the cookie guy).
He makes good cookies! (as the slogan claims).
So the park is quite nice. Bigger than I originally thought. Looks like a fun place that would definately be busy in the summer. We explore and are quite impressed. Though couldn't figure out where the skaking rink would be.
Here's the pool. It's big. And it has a slide! We get closer to investigate.
Looks crazy! (maybe it's the graffiti that adds to it!)
I hate slides that are covered... makes me a bit claustrophobic.
Mon comments of the overgrowth/bulge the tree has...
Maybe there was a forced Harry Potter reference thrown in too... who knows?!
No, didn't try to make a reference. Just thought it was interesting.
No, didn't try to make a reference. Just thought it was interesting.
Didn't we later that day in Book City see a book that was basically an audobon of clouds? Can't remember if it was factual and about the different types or if it was a joke about different cloud shapes.
Yes! I want that book!
When we first walked by this I thought it was just a splash pad. However, upon further inspection, we realize it's a labyrinth. When we exited Christie Station, on the little island on the road outside the station there was a little labyrinth and some teenagers tracing their way through. This one is much bigger. Anyhoo, seems like our type of thing (we are corn maze vetrans) we're going to have to solve it!
I wonder if we would still have done it, if we hadn't seen those teenagers do it...
just a thought.
As it turns out, there wasn't much to solve. It's a winding path. No wrong turns or choices to make. So is this what makes a labyrinth different from a maze?
(I did check, and yes, that is the modern meaning. A maze has multiple branches off the main path, where as a labyrinth is a single non-branching path leading to the centre.
As we walked our way around, a lady and her dog and her son on a tricycle came by and were standing on the labyrinth. I think she may have not realized what we were doing and just thought we were nuts.
Yeah, what was up with that?! Oh well... look at Mon go!
We make it. The victory picture!
Two thumbs up!
A glimpse of the playground. They had some really cool swings in there that was basically a wide circular surface. Alma says you're supposed to stand on them. And by the way, that's a phone book up there on the roof of the pavilion. How did it get up there? It would have to be a really strong bird. Or superman..... or dare I say a wizard or witch breaking the Statue of Secrecy and performing magic in a crowded park where Muggles hang out?!
2. PAT Central Market (675 Bloor Street West.)
...for a crash course in Korean cultural immersion. The giant supermarket is accustomed to curious browsers looking to explore basics like fiery -garlicky kimchee or sample prepared foods.Hmmm... a little odd for a walk right?
A little... but the cards are right... right when you enter this market, there's a row of stoves cooking up enkoi mushrooms... and there's freshly cut apples... thrown in for fun! yum!
Beside the market you can see the "alternative" movie theatre.
Those fellas are going in the market...fyi
As we peruse I look for my favourtie cheese. Australian Kraft cheese. My mom says you can get the canned version at some Asian food stores so I thought I'd check if they have it. They don't.
Mon looks slightly amused or confused at all the korean marked packages. Doesn't she?!
Every kid's favourite aisle...
or adult...
or just me...
This is a side shot of the building. Koreatown and Christie Pits sure has a lot of pretty street art.
3. Korea House (666 Bloor St. West)
Grandfather of Toron's Seoul-food scene, where large portions of dumplings and spicy short ribs draw a knowing crowd.
I'm not one for short ribs... but dumplings are a girl's best friend.
okay, maybe they're not. But I do enjoy freshly made dumplings.
Wait... are they freshly made?!
This street is not on the walk...
What's this doing here...
The view down Manning Street. Not that important.... someone interesting may have lived down this street. Let's just call him Mr. Calculus Man.
Uhh... Alma did you have a story to do with this one?
In fact I don't. This isn't on the walk, but it's one of the best places to get walnut cookies! So yummy! Get a assorted box, you'll thank me later.
In fact I don't. This isn't on the walk, but it's one of the best places to get walnut cookies! So yummy! Get a assorted box, you'll thank me later.
4. Gorisu Herbs (646 Bloor Street West)
If you're feeling ill of merely adventurous... A Korean apothecary that promises to heal what ails you using traditional remedies.
Upon reading this description, I commented that this is very Harry Potter. Come on, an apothecary! Alma thought I was stretching to create a reference. I think she's delusional and insist we get a closer look.
Even before we get there, we can see they've changed names. Clearly an attempt to further associate themselves with the world of Harry Potter, they've renamed the business to actually include the word "magic". Care to rebuttal alma?
Bah Humbug!
We did go up to the window and look in. It isn't anything like the Diagon Alley apothecary. Just a regular ol' vitamin supplement store.
Happy Easter!
Happy Reading!
These monkeys are so cute... they nod, while on the toilet. so cute.
5. Morning Glory Toronto Plaza
...for an astonishing range of stationary, much of it based on the latest youthful trends.Closed! D'oh!
Crazy that it's closed!
In high school, one of my swimming buddies had recommended going to Morning Glory for some cool pencils/stationary. Her only description to find this shop was that it was outside Christie Station.
One day after Stef's (Mon's best friend) orthodontic appointment, we tried finding this shop. I think we ended up walking the wrong way or something, so we chose to eat at some random diner. I think Stef had grilled cheese and I, a BLT. I recall it being burnt... and was disappointed.
I've passed by this stationary store a couple of times... but I guess it was never meant to be that I actually step foot in it.
big sigh...
Maybe we should lease it. What should we do with the premises?
Some more of that street art I mentioned. All the planters on the side of the road are painted with different images. This is just one.
6. Ka Chi (612 Bloor Street West)
...for a steaming bowl of siganture "pork bone soup" at the perennially crowded restaurant.
We should try it someday.
We came across this cute little boutique and went inside. Alma ened up buying that dress on the most right.
It's cute, right?! Haven't worn it yet...
Was so close to buying a dress with cats all over it.
7. Joons (605 Bloor Street West)
...where guests use personal hot plates to barbecue spiced meats, tofu, and vegetables to succulent perfection.Ooo!!! Sean told us about this place and we are totally excited about going here sometime. It's a cafe that's open late and everyone comes and plays...wait for it - BOARD GAMES! Totally our thing. This needs to be on the walk!
It should! It's new, so I don't blame the cards.
Sigh.... this used to be one of my favourite restaurants: Rocco's Plum Tomato. It's a chain, so it's not like I can't get the food anywhere else, but I loved this location. Sean and I have eaten here quite a few times and have always had good experiences. I guess, that's Toronto. Venues always changes and turning into something else.
Well, that's the walk but we're not done yet. We knew it would be a short one so we planned ahead to do the annex next since it continues where this one leaves off.
MONICA RATING: I had a lot of fun on this walk, but there really wasn't anything super exciting (that was actually apart of the walk). Just a great day and always fun hanging out with Alma. Plus, the sentimental value. My favourite part of the walk was the park. Definately would like to revisit sometime. So...a 3? Is that too low? I'm writing this weeks after the walk, I can't remember. But I really did have fun.

Alma rating: Aww, Mon... always have a great time hanging out with you too! I'll give this walk around a 3 too. It'd be cool to hang out at the park... though I know that it'd be crazy crowded during the summer months, but the other things listed on the walk are not really that interesting... like the apothecary shop. I like how they once again recommended places to eat (cause I sure like eating), but there's so much more to Korean town than dumplings... like the cute little dress shop we went to, or the baked goods shop, karaoke places (they never recommended a place) or even just the small shops that carry sanrio characters in it... but yeah, I guess there's just so much that you can put on the cards. So.... 3 out of 5!
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