DATE: Wednesday, March 16, 2011.
TIME: 1:39pm - 2:50pm
Despite its close proximity to downtown and the presence of many wonderful dining and shopping options, this neighborbood retains a villagelike atmosphere.
And so another walking season begins. I was looking forward to this walk since being a "west-side" girl, I've never explored Leslieville before. We got lucky with some awesome weather. The day started off a tad bit chilly, but turned out to be quite nice in the end. Another bonus, Sean has joined us today!
Welcome back! Welcome spring! Welcome us to Leslieville! Actually, I've been here before... I was taking a cityscape art course @ Central Tech last year and one of the projects was to explore a different part of the city that you've never been to before. So I chose Leslieville... I think Mon gave me a heads up about the walk, but how could I do a walk with her?!
Away we go...
I'm assuming you mean withOUT me...
Oops... that's what i meant.
Are there any rules on editing these pages?! Ah well... the truth is out! jk...
I'm assuming you mean withOUT me...
Oops... that's what i meant.
Are there any rules on editing these pages?! Ah well... the truth is out! jk...
Good job Mon in taking the first street sign!
I say this, because I completely forgot... Might've been due to the fact I was stunned by a squirrel that almost landed on my head in getting off the streetcar! Seriously just heard a splat... and saw a disoriented squirrel sprawled out and then run towards me. So gross...
Sorry for the darkness of this pic... Trying to work in manual mode and forgot to check the light beforehand. But Sean knows how to strike a pose!
Aww, cute.
Side note: 1 year ago, when we did our first walk of the year 2010 (Annex by the Books), Alma commented that it had been so long since our last walk and she wondered if we'd even remember how to do a walk. We did remember that time, but this time, apparently we didn't; We forgot to take our customary Monica-Alma picture from the starting point!
Oh the things you remember Mon! I don't recall saying that though...Probably something I would say.
Oh the things you remember Mon! I don't recall saying that though...Probably something I would say.
1. In the Groove (1174 Queen St. E.)
Retro-minded audiophiles will want to stop here to check out the wide selection of vintage and collectable vinyl records.
It's a typical record store. Crowded.... Records... We were hoping that Sean would find some gems here. The record player at the De Souza household got chucked last summer after the unexpected flood in the basement. No big loss- that record player hadn't been used in like 20 years. (It also had a non functional 8-track player). Our skimpy record collection was either tossed or donated to Value Village - none of us felt like going through the collection to see if there was anything worthwhile there. I somehow doubt it. All I remember was a Mickey Mouse book-on-"record" of.... uh... some story in which Mickey is a hunter and they play William Tell. Also, there was a "wrestling" record. I know my memory is a little foggy about this, but I know there was a "wrestling" record. The wresters in the 80's like Hulk Hogan, and the Undertaker etc had a cartoon show. And this was a record of that??? Also, there was a chimpmunks record. Oh, and the Mini Pops! Okay, that my first super long digression of the year!
Sean was looking for some Miles Davis and..... help me Alma....
and Django Reinhart!
You know who introduced me to Django?! Geoff! or as Mon likes to call him Ge-off or rather... my mortal enemy. Don't know how he became my mortal enemy... but we had a brief cd exchange during class (django obviously being one of them) and he once invited me out to some kung fu presentation that cost $100! Who has money to do that in university?! or even now?!
Oh, Geo-off! The guy was so smart. He'd just sit there, not taking any notes, just absorbing everything Jean Marc said.
And really... no one knew understood what he was saying. I think I only found out he was saying the word "Bastidia" on the second last day of class. Boy... we all know know how well I did on those impossible tests... Mon beat me by one point! Labs saved my life!
Mon in search for some interesting LP covers...
There's no significance to this record. Just holding up a random record.
We were looking for some funny covers, this is the best you could find at the time... isn't it?!
2. Thrill of the Find (1172 Queen St. E.)
This vintage-clothing store is a great place to find pieces (some new) from coveted lines like Fendi and Prada.
It is...however, make sure you have the wallet for it!
... and let the hunt begin!
Sean noted all the hat boxes they had here. Think he liked them.
There were a couple nice leather side bags and dresses there... but like Mon said, a bit too much out of our price range. I must say though, at least we went in! There are so many stores/galleries that we get intimidated by and end up passing up. But yeah, that sales lady didn't even bother to get up for us... what's up with that?
I think Sean also liked the umbrella stand...
Oh! You can totally see my umbrella in Sean's bag in the picture above! Okay, that's not that exciting...
The guy asked us if any of us were artists and I pointed towards Alma. And then he pretty much insisted that Alma give her e-mail address so she could get information about upcoming events. Don't think Alma was thrilled about that. When she kind of hesitated, he said that they don't e-mail junk.
I don't think I was enthusiastic in giving my email especially after his comment about how the artist is trying to draw people into her photos since everyone thinks they're a photographer these days... and how photos are so disposable. He then asked if I was a photographer, (since I had my dslr) and exclaimed back that I like to paint!
When we passed this tree in a park, Sean commented that it looks like the tree wet itself. Unfortunately, this picture doesn't show it that well.
How about this one?!
Much better!
Much better!
3. Tango Palace Coffee Co. (1156 Queen St. E.)
With a warm wooden decor and a handful of street-front tables, this java joint is a local favourite.
It sure is a local favourite - the place was packed. Jammed with lots of of little tables and chairs and customers. And it seemed as if everyone knew each other. Looked like it would have been a challange to navigate our way around all the furniture and people to get to the other side of the cafe.
Definitely felt all eyes on us when we entered the place, which made it weird when we left... wonder what all of them were thinking...
This was funny. Sean noticed that we owners and the dogs matched!
tee hee! sorry again for the darkness, should really just use program!
4. Doll Facory by Damzels (1122 Queen St. E.)
Ever notice how the cards like to name drop?
Yes! and can you think of 1 other walk that had a celebrity enter its shop? two guesses...
and a one!
and two?
It was a cute little store. Had some nice pieces. And cute, snarky impulse buys for lack of a better word. I liked some of the shoes. There was a father there with a baby - very small, very cute. I think she was like 1. Walking around on her own... she was quite amused with the skulls in the store. I believe he bought a cute onesie for her.
There was a cute dress that I couldn't find the price of (blue and white striped, with a lacy top... that doesn't sound right. go see it yourself!) , which is probably best for my pocketbook. Mon was looking for some possible Jeanne birthday gifts, if I'm not mistaken.
5. Telegramme Prints (1122 Queen St. E.)
A showroom for handsome lithographs.
Sean saw some cute elephant and apple print... and apparently drew a crowd.
I exaggerate... one other man stopped and started looking at the work too.
Mon saw something that reminded her of a children's book. Didn't catch the name.
It's not a children's book. It was Three Bags Full. A murder mystery told from the point of view of a flock of sheep. Really good book.
It's not a children's book. It was Three Bags Full. A murder mystery told from the point of view of a flock of sheep. Really good book.
This picture was taken from a fish and chips place that we passed by. It was a tiny little place - just a counter for eating at. But the windows were filled with all these beautiful, exotic looking plants. Sean, having the green thumb and being the Professor Sprout of the muggle world, was curious about the plant shown above. He thought it was a particular plant that blooms for only 1 day a year. (It wasn't though) The owner was really nice. He came out and talked to Sean for a bit, and showed him some plants. Not only do they sell fish and chips here, but also the plants. This plant, was only $8! Sean says he might come back with his mom (and a car!).
6. Kristapson's Smoked Salmon (1095 Queen St. E.)
takeout only
Doesn't the fish know smoking is bad for your health?
Well this place was a disappointment (to me at least). It looks intriguing on the outside, but peaking through the window, it looks more like an office than a take-out place. No evidence of smoked salmon. I wonder if it's just an office where they manage bulk orders. I could be wrong, this place may be super awesome.
Yeah, you'd have no idea! They should rethink their interior design...
7. Nathalie-Roze and Co. (1015 Queen St. E.)
where you may browse the deisgner's eponymous line of clothing or take a do-it-yourself book, soap, or accessories course.
Make your own soap! Is it like in the Simpsons' when Lisa combines a whole bunch of practically finished bars? Or like in grade 10 Science class, where we made gross looking and smelling soap? Or perhaps they just watch Fight Club...good movie.
I've been to a couple of art/craft fairs that Nathalie-Roze has hosted and it's always interesting to see what new stuff people are making (and then steal and call it your own! jk... i've never done that...girl guides honour!). But that's where I picked up my infamous green soy dress and Stef got her handbag... that's made of reclaimed army tents and blankets. Such a good idea.
I liked this place. Lots of interesting pieces. Liked a few of their unique purses and hats - though I tried one on and it just didn't look right on me.
I think Sean commented on the smell of the place...
But yeah, I like this shop a lot. Kinda wish it was closer to home.
Alma's reflection.
Nice pic, Mon! Sorry for turning around.
8. Upper Crust Fine Foods and Bakery (1008 Queen St. E.)The lunches, composed entirely of gourmet products, are delicious, and the pastries are objects of local worship.
Our last stop on this walk. At this point we were starving - but didn't even think about going here. Based on its description, it's probably a bit pricey. Curious what these gourmet products are. Anyhoo, the lady at Nathalie-Roze suggested a place that we have our sights set on.
We're looking at the pictures of the day... or Liam. There are always pictures of Liam on my camera.
I wonder what's making us chuckle.
Alma is apparently not as amused with her pictures.
Tinkering... I still don't have a good handle with manual.
Wonder if you can start to see my right eyelid starting to swell...
Interesting shot, Mon!
This was our photo shoot for an upcoming portrait (more like a sketch) of Sean!
Kinda owe this fella for... well... a lot! and he kinda asked me more than once!
How can I say no?!
Kinda dark, but one of Sean's poses...
I won't be using this one for the painting.
You'll just have to wait and see what I pick.
Now's a good time to explain the name of our blog. At the end of the day when we were going through our stock of pictures, we noticed that there were a lot of Sean pictures. Even more than what we included here. Kind of like that How I Met Your Mother episode where Maurie Popvich is impossibly everywhere. At least a whole lot of Sean is a pleasure!
After our delicious lunch we head over to Value Village to find some treasures. Sean found some cool ties and Alma some sassy shoes. (They're pretty cool...)
Monica Rating: Hmmm... I found the Leslieville neighhorhood to be quite charming. It definately has that village-like feel; all the small little shops. Not to mention all the second hand stores, and pawn shops. There were some other places on this walk that looked interesting that we didn't get a chance to step into like the Cheese Market or that tea place. However, I wasn't too crazy about the places we visited as a whole. Maybe its just cause everything was out of price range in the boutiques. Just felt like this walk was missing something that I can't put my finger on. Not sure if it would be worthwhile for a tourist unless you were interested in specific pieces at the boutiques. But the neighborhood is up and coming, and the next day, my bro's friend Justin was raving about a brunch place in Leslieville.
So my rating, is a 2.25/5

Alma's Rating: I kinda knew what to expect from this walk... so I wasn't entirely disappointed. But I think my favourite thing was eating at Lady Marmalade and then going to Value Village, which sadly... neither were on the walk. I guess the neighbourhood is still developing and kinda lacked an identity, since there was a mismatch of old and new.
But yeah, I don't think I'll be as harsh as Mon (and this may be the first time we don't have the same rating...) 2.5 out of 5... (I don't have an option for happy faces... due to mac?!).