DATE: Saturday, May 14, 2011
TIME: 2:33 - 4:00 pm
So, not the greatest day for a walk. It's threatening to rain, but we refuse to let it crush our spirits. On the streetcar over to the starting point, we take a glance at the walk and note it doesn't sound particularly interesting. And we've already walked a portion of this walk when we did the Leslieville walk earlier this year. I feel silly for not realizing that this walk pretty much takes off where that one left off. We could have tried for a 2 for 1 that day.
No biggie. What number is Leslieville?! If it's #27... it's still okay! The Leslieville walk was enough for the day anyway, since Sean was on a tight schedule. He had a french quiz or something to go to?! Even though... we were looking for some sort of caffeinated beverage after getting off the streetcar.
Yeah, taking the streetcar over... we kinda saw the walk in reverse. Hard not to look away... oh well...
As for the title of the walk, when we got off the streetcard and fumbled to get set and take our starting pic, we were beside an independent gas station. And, it smelt like gas.
No biggie. What number is Leslieville?! If it's #27... it's still okay! The Leslieville walk was enough for the day anyway, since Sean was on a tight schedule. He had a french quiz or something to go to?! Even though... we were looking for some sort of caffeinated beverage after getting off the streetcar.
Yeah, taking the streetcar over... we kinda saw the walk in reverse. Hard not to look away... oh well...
As for the title of the walk, when we got off the streetcard and fumbled to get set and take our starting pic, we were beside an independent gas station. And, it smelt like gas.

Where are we? Riverside? Riverdale? Leslieville?

Our traditional starting point picture. In the bacground you can see our first venue. I wasn't thrilled with this picture because I look so much bigger so we do it again.

...and I manage to cut us both off in take 2. Ah, well. I tried.
Tee hee! You did try!
Reliable Fish and Chips is more important! It'd be funny if there was a driver in that car between us.
Tee hee! You did try!
Reliable Fish and Chips is more important! It'd be funny if there was a driver in that car between us.
1. Reliable Fish and Chips (954 Queen St. E.)
As many a local foodie can attest, you'll want to start your tour of the area with a meal here, which has been serving a devoted crowd for more than 80 years.

Is it just my imagination or do the card makers really like their fish and chips? How many fish and chip places have they mentioned thus far? And we haven't eaten at any of them. I think we should the next time one comes up. What do you say Alma?
Here, here to fish and chips. I actually can only think of 1 other fish and chips stop on the cards... one other place just sold fresh fish. no?! But I do like fish and chips! So yes, yes!
Here, here to fish and chips. I actually can only think of 1 other fish and chips stop on the cards... one other place just sold fresh fish. no?! But I do like fish and chips! So yes, yes!
Head past the attractive and nostalgic R.J. Black's Toronto Veternary Hospital.
Not an official part of the walk, but they do mention it. And I do remember last time we were in the area thinking it was a nice building. Like the signage.

2. Mercury Organic (915 Queen St. E.)
Coffee-obsessed locals rave about it.

Do those two look like they're raving about it?!
Hm.. it looks like a nice place to hang out. I'm not a crazy coffee drinker though.
Tea is... my cup of tea. oy!
3. Fred J. Baron Handmade Cabinets (934 Queen St. E.)
...and watch a dying art form through the window.
Tiny little shop. Felt like we were intruding.

Well this new - an awkward pic of Monica.
We stood out here for a bit while Alma tried to get a good pic. And the guy inside eventually came around as asked if we were admiring the flowers. I said yes, and asked what type there were even though I knew they were hydrageas. For some reason I'm always a little embaressed to tell people about our walks when we're on them.
I'm the same way... it was extremely awkward putting the camera away... as we slowing walked off... and then look at other signage... just in case the guy was watching us. I know mon has mentioned this before, but i am curious if storeowners know they're on toronto's 50 walks.. mon, be the brave one next time and tell them!
I'm the same way... it was extremely awkward putting the camera away... as we slowing walked off... and then look at other signage... just in case the guy was watching us. I know mon has mentioned this before, but i am curious if storeowners know they're on toronto's 50 walks.. mon, be the brave one next time and tell them!
Last time we were in area, we wanted to visit the loose leaf tea place but kind of forgot to check it out after we ate. The place is called Magesteas - clever and cheesy. So glad we went in this time. Nice little place. They had samples of Summer Peach - which was delicious and refreshing. I ended up buying a bag. And they gave me a stamp card for their loyaltea program. They're all about the puns here.
Nice place! They've been open for year now... Mon had difficulty opening up the not so tiny canisters to smell the tea... but with her purchase of summer peach (which I wish I bought... but also, hope mon invites me over for), we got free posters! What a nice gift! Thankfully, Mon didn't charge me holding for carrying it in her purse...
Nice place! They've been open for year now... Mon had difficulty opening up the not so tiny canisters to smell the tea... but with her purchase of summer peach (which I wish I bought... but also, hope mon invites me over for), we got free posters! What a nice gift! Thankfully, Mon didn't charge me holding for carrying it in her purse...

The same one we visisted the last time we were here in Leslieville, cause yes, we're still in Leslieville. If you recall, Alma got her awesome shoes and Sean his belts.
Sean didn't get belts... he got ties! He did try on a couple of belts but opted out cause one looked amish?! cause of a fish? It was a cute belt though.
I always like perusing the books at Value Village, hoping to come across an amazing find. Actually, the night before, at a work social, a couple of my colleagues told me that the best bookstore in their neighborhood is the Good Will and they keep coming across some amazing stuff. Someone in the neighborhood has good taste in books. Found some interesting nonfiction titles, here, but didn't get anything. Perhaps I was a little turned off by seeing a couple of Harry Potter books. It could be a sign of good reading taste, however, I take it as an insult. Harry Potter books are to be treasured and read and reread, not discarded. (I'm guessing this will be Mon's only Harry Potter reference... she did show me the book... so it's not forced. Hey Mon, maybe you should start a rescue for all the Harry Potter books you come across!) I also came across in the game section the game Pyramid - still in its shrink wrap. Was holding it for awhile and considered getting it, then changed my mind. What a useless story.

When Alma was buying her belt, the cashier remembered her and said "Long time no see". How many times have you been here Alma? You seem to have become a regular.
Funny cause it's only my second time being there... the first was obviously on the Leslieville walk. I guess I was smiling a lot when I approached the register... which made it appear that I knew her. But she did serve me last time and she gave me an extra stamp on a card for sean's purchase. I never got enough stamps to reach the 15% discount...

Owen's brother loves pinecones. He would have been excited.
Tee hee... Wait... who's Owen?! Never heard of this kid...

And this is where we ate last time.
We also visited the cheese market across the street. As a lover of cheese, can't resist. That, and I'm trying to find my Australian Kraft cheese - but even before we enter, I know they won't have it.

Finally, we're in Riverside. The signs change from Leslieville to Riverside half way through the walk (across from Jimmie Simpson Park). So I have a couple of theories. 1) Leslieville and Riverside were originally supposed to be one long walk. But then the card makers needed to break them up so they could have 50 walks. 2) They were always 2 separate walks and since the Riverside portion - starting from here - seemed so short, they decided to chop up the Leslieville walk and give some of the venues to Riverside.
If #2 were true... why couldn't they find other things to add to that walk? I'm pretty sure there is a fish and chips place down the block or a cafe to sip imported coffee...

Walk past Jimmie Simpson Park, then pass under the train bridge...

3 dimensional geometric shapes! Math! Tres Cool! Perhaps this is foreshawdowing to the Mr. Calculus Man discussions that would spark up later in the evening... (and continue as I write these very words)

I wonder if these were made through stencils....
Its perhaps Toronto's most authentic Parisian patisserie.
Sounds yummy.

Looking at us?!
He should be looking inside the cafe and all its delicious goodness.

A library! You know we love these. Nice building. It is on our to do list to eventually visit all the Toronto Public Libraries (at least on my list, not quite sure if I've convinced Alma yet). We do still have the UofT libraries to finish though.
5. Pa Zo (781 Queen St. E.)
Shop for retro-chic lightning, furniture, an home accessories.
So I think this is the place they are refering to. A slightly different name as you can see from the picture below, but they do sell furniture here. However, the address is wrong. This location was at 729 Queen Street E. I googled the address listed on the cards, and it belongs to a clothing designer. So, yet another mistake.
They did have some interesting lounge chairs... that came in a multitude of colours. The owner was displaying them all in a row for a customer. I didn't dare take a picture...

Continue westward past the beautiful former post office.
We missed seeing this cause of the rain and because of the cards. In actuality, we'd already passed the post office before Studio Pazo.

I have a $50 gift certificate for this bakery that I won at a silent auction at my school. I thought they'd have a bigger selection available for drop in customers - cause they're lots of different stuff displayed on their website. I think I'd be better off spending the money with a special order cake or desserts.
6. Stephan Caras Design (744 Queen St. E.)
The neoclassical building on the corner of Queen and Grant St. was once a bank, but now is home to Stephan Cars Design, a perfect place to pick up a locally designed couture piece.

Ooo! Couture! umm...i can't even think of stepping foot into a place like this. It's yorkville all over again! I guess this shop is a bit misplaced.. huh?! It does seem like a shop that would be on the edge of yorkville.
7. The Real Jerk (709 Queen St. E.)
In case you've developed an appetite again. It serves excellent roti piled high with a choice of tasty fillings.
This isn't a long walk. How on earth do they expect us to eat again - if we had eaten at the other places to begin with. There's an awesome roti place in Rexdale. I wonder how this compares. Wasn't in the mood for Jamacian food though.

Instead we ended up at a burger place.... what was it called Alma?
I still had the receipt and on the top it just says "Burger Shoppe"... really thought it was called something else. oh well...
After one glance at the menu, knew I had to have the Hawaiian burger. It had a grilled pineapple....but couldn't really taste it in the burger. But the burger itself was good.
My coke, Alma's gingerale. Care to rant Alma?
I ordered exactly the same thing as monica... but my meal was 25 cents more expensive. Why?! Because of the ginger ale! Crazy! I understand when people charge more for Nestea... but Ginger ale?! crazy! Nestea and Ginger ale are the same price at this burger joint!
Ginger ale drinkers beware!
I ordered exactly the same thing as monica... but my meal was 25 cents more expensive. Why?! Because of the ginger ale! Crazy! I understand when people charge more for Nestea... but Ginger ale?! crazy! Nestea and Ginger ale are the same price at this burger joint!
Ginger ale drinkers beware!

We're drenched from the walk. My hair is so flat.

I know the picture is blurry, but I wanted to prove that we don't always have weird faces.
MONICA RATING: Hmmm... kind of uneventful. The actual venues on this walk weren't that noteworthy - though we didn't go into any of them so maybe I'm being a bit harsh. Definately think they should have put Leslieville and Riverside together as one larger walk and then maybe it would have left a better taste in my mouth. Maybe if it wasn't raining we could have done more people-watching (one of our favourite past times) (You kinda watched the couple that sat across from us at the burger joint...) like the card suggests. I gave Leslieville a 2.25, think I'm going to give this one the same. 2.25 rainclouds out of 5.

Alma Rating: Mon made some valid points... I guess the stores/restaurants seem kinda random on this walk... as a whole, Riverside (Much like Leslieville) doesn't seem to have much of an identity compared to other neighbourhoods in Toronto.
I'll give this walk a 2 out of 5... The most memorable thing was Mon's Calculus Man being number 1!
I'll give this walk a 2 out of 5... The most memorable thing was Mon's Calculus Man being number 1!