DATE: Sunday, June 12, 2011.
TIME: 2:05 - 5:35pm
Lakefront parklands, architechural remnants of the waterfront's glory years, and two of Toronto's best-attended sumertime attractions await those walking this route.
After some medicore walks this year thus far, I decided we needed to hand pick our next one, just to make sure it was a good one. It basically came down to doing the Beaches or this one and we decided on this one. At the time, we did not realize that this would turn into an epic battle of the beaches.
See, whenever anyone thinks of Toronto Beaches, no doubt they think about Ashbridges Bay and the neighborhood "the Beaches". No one ever thinks about the western beaches. And as a west-sider, I must defend my territory! So, the theme of this walk: West side versus east side... Monica versus Alma... My beach versus her beach... and we definately took it to the extreme.
Who knew it'd come to this, Monica! Will this be the demise of our walks... because of a single battle? We'll see by the end... I guess.
I must add... the east side beaches is no longer called "the beaches", it's called "beach". Yeah... they changed that a few years back and there was great controversy over its name. So get it right, Monica!
We're all smiles at the beginning of the walk - the rivalry isn't in full swing yet. This may be the longest walk of the cards. I google mapped it, and it was almost 7 km from the starting point to my condo (which although is a few blocks east of the official end point, it is our goal) Our first venue - Sunnyside Beach - starts at the base of Colborne Lodge Drive according to the cards, but I argued that the beach really begins a but west at Ellis Ave. And so that's where we start.
The view to the west. That's Etobicoke! And the village of condos.
Notice the dark, looming clouds?! There's something fishy going on in this area...
The view of the lake.
The view to the east. And you can see the windmill which is by the Ex, one of the venues on this walk.
(The EX may be on the walk... but it does not classify it as part of the west side beach...)
1. Sunnyside Pool and Pavilion (1755 Lake Shore Blvd W.)
The last vestige of a Coney Island-style amusement park, remains a popular place for families to swim and socialize.
Coney Island, huh? Never been, but I still don't think that even in it's hayday, that Sunnyside was comparable to Coney Island. Doesn't Coney Island have a full out amusement park?
My memories of Sunnyside....
Hmmm... well, sometimes on fireworks holidays such as Canada Day and Victoria day we'd come down to the beach, park and set up our chairs on the beach to watch the Ontario place fireworks - for free! But, I guess in all fairness, that is a point for Alma's beach since they have their own fireworks.
(notice that Monica said she'd watch the Ontario place fireworks... which is NOT part of her beach! and yes, some fantastic fireworks take place in the east side... also for free)
During our time in university, St. Mike's would hold a beach party at Sunnyside during frosh week.... bonding!
The view of downtown. Back in the days when I used to drive down to the Niagara Falls, USA, every week, on clear days you could see the CN tower from St. Catherines. I always liked looking down the lake to see it, and see home....
Nice park, huh Alma. Score one for Monica's Beach!
If memory serves me right, Alma complimented the nice boardwalk down here. So Score 2 for Monica's beach.
It is nice... HERE... wait till we get to later pictures...
Ewww, please don't swim in Lake Ontario. Though, I did a couple of times when I was a kid. Ewww... heard it from Mon...
probably not the best place to swim...
Though the east side...
a different story ;)
Another point for Monica's Beach. There are a few of these devices (?) along the boardwalk. At first we thought it may have been an odd seesaw, but it's like an exercising machine. Working that upper body strength.
Who wants to work out at the beach?! Seriously... that's not fun...
Who wants to work out at the beach?! Seriously... that's not fun...
Beyond that tree you can see the Colborne Lodge Drive which was where the cards told us to start the walk.
Should points be deducted for a tree obstructing our view?! Maybe...
This is helpful
Ah ha! Look at this tripping hazard?! The west side doesn't care enough for children safety...
Do you have this on your beach Alma???
what a handsome fellow anyway...
no points though.
Does your beach have a rusty art piece Alma?
no... but this is kinda dangerous for kids!
tetanus shots?!
The side of the pavilion. Realize now that we didn't get a pic of the pavilion from the front (from Lake Shore)....ah, well.
Its very serene inside the pavilion and by the fountail. Pretty courtyard. Score another one for Monica's beach.
it is pretty.
my bro and his fiance were looking at this place...
it is pretty.
my bro and his fiance were looking at this place...
i do appreciate pretty gardens! even though i'm anti west side...
still can give a cheesy smile!
Mon doesn't look as cheery as me! and it's her side!
At the beach this day they were holding a bunch of canoeing clinics. Tres cool. Does your beach have a canoeing clinic???
they probably do... MEC holds clinics in several areas!Looks like fun!
A dog house on top of the restaurant?!
Well a painted dog...
What a day to go canoeing!
Think we should call the hotline? Once again, please don't swim in Lake Ontario. In the Hogwarts Lake, Mermish people, a giant squid, Grindylows and occasionally Moaning Myrtle live in the lake. Wonder what lives in ours.....
Sunnyside pool. Not yet open for the season. The water looked kind of gross that day, but I think it looks kind of nice in this picture in the background of the rusty fence. Is there a pool on east beaches Alma? I'm sure there is....
Tee hee...
Hey! didn't you already give a point for these contraptions?
You can't give each tool a point...
it's just not fair.
A tree in the middle of the board walk. Purposely accomodated for. Ahem, does your beach have this Alma???
No... it doesn't.
but it is a hazard... someone could walk right into it!
2. Budapest Park
On the 10th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising, the park was renamed and the sculpture Freedom was erected.
Cool... though I don't think we saw the Freedom sculpture...
Where's the Freedom sculpture?!
See it anywhere?
I don't think that's it...
That's not it either....
Though, I drew this dino for a certain boy in his notebook.
Jurassic Park
Is this the Freedom statue? We have a long way to go, no time to confirm. Let's just say it is.
Maybe... an abstract way of saying freedom! I'd buy it.
3. Palais Royale (1601 Lake Short Blvd. W.)
...where Count Basie, Frank Sinatra, and Duke Ellington played during the 1930s.
More name dropping by the cards! Does Alma's beach have celebrity sightings?
oh wow...
big sigh...
My bro was thinking of this place for his wedding...
the patio in the back is absolutely gorgeous! There was a wedding set up at the back, when we walked by.. but with such a gorgeous backdrop... well... price is sky high!
What were you taking a picture of, Mon?!
The scenery is to your right!
Though look at those clouds!
Bad omen, no?!
I had to take a picture of the Boulevard club - it's a fancy yacht and country club. Kind of surprised it wasn't a venue on the cards.
Our bird! It's a red winged blackbird.
Funny cause the next day at work, my colleage Laura said that she was "attacked" by one. She said it flew right into her head.
Ouch! Was she okay?!
We were trying so hard to get a good picture of this fellow. Sadly this is the best photo.
How'd you find out what kind of bird this is?!
Do you have a bird audubon that you're holding back from me?
Yay Toronto!
Any free valet parking here?!
How about here?
Sad dead tree.
After passing Palais Royale, the cards tell us to continue up a moderately long rise, crest the hill and descend into Marilyn Bell Park. Below is the hill we were supposed to crest.
That day, I didn't read the "crest the hill" part and we got to that point in the picture above where there were like 4 different paths we could take - all of them leading to our next goal. We just decided to stay by the lake.
Swans! We'll have to wait and see if we see any swams on Alma's beach.
Quack, quack!
Along the lakeside path there are a few of these steps leading down to the lake. If the lake wasn't gross, it'd be nice to sit on the steps and stick your feet in. I had to take this picture cause Alma complained her beach doesn't have steps like these. Score another point for Monica's Beach.
I do like the steps to the lake...
I mentioned this out loud... and Monica just had to jump on the opportunity.
4. Marilyn Bell Park ...where the shoreline fields are a popular recreation spot.
(Hmm, shoreline huh? That means beach!)
We weren't sure at first if this actually was Marilyn Bell park, but the plaque on the rock that Alma isn't pointing at in the picture below confirms it for us.
Monica didn't exactly help direct me to point in the right direction.
That girl in the black jacket is totally looking at us.
The boardwalk looks nice from afar...
But looking closer... look how dangerous that is!
and this! babies in strollers beware!
Getting closer....
We're so close to the Island Airport. Do you have an airport on your beach???
The airplane also reminds me, you can see the airshow from the western beaches. That's definately a point.
I'd just like to remind you though... we're no longer on Monica's beach... Her beach ended awhile ago...
this is just the walk!
Alright, let's set the record straight. A beach is "a landform along the shoreline of an ocean, sea, lake or river. It usually consists of loose particels which are often complosed of rock, such as sand, gravel, shingle, pebbles or cobblestones."
Even Corona believes beaches don't have to mean sand.
So this is all beach. Some of of it has been paved over as Toronto developed but it is still beach. And in Toronto, Yonge street is the east/west divider. Everything west of Yonge along the shoreline are therefore west beaches, and everything east along the shoreline are east beaches.
(This also means that the Harbourfront walk is also west beach! He he.)
Across the street from the park is the Liberty Grand. My friend Bianca got married here.
Went here for The Artists' Project art fair. The place is really nice inside!
Also... the people from Departures were there for their season 3 premiere... I didn't get tickets....
Alma initially critised the bad shape this path was in. Then I reminded her, does her beach have pilons in it's wonky path??? Score another one for the west. Tee hee!
This is just not safe!
The pylon is drowning!
sinking pylon!
A glimpse of Ontario place. You can't see it but the best ride, and pretty much only ride when we were younger is in this area. Timberwood falls (?) or something like that.
Not sure of the name... but it is the best ride! You kinda get wet at the end.
There's this Mega Maze there that's pretty awesome too... you have to find all the checkpoints and swipe these "credit cards". You're timed too... i hope they still have this around.
A pylon would simply be too small for this wreck!
We are no longer on your beach, Monica!
These west gloomy clouds followed us here...
I was not exaggerating on the crazy potholes here!
She should be the freedom statue!
5. Canadian National Exhibition Grounds to the world's longest-running annual fair every August. The grounds also host events like the annual Toronto Indycar motor race and boast numerous modernist buildings.
To all Torontonian's it's simply known as the Ex. It's been awhile since I've been to the Ex - the fair that it. Never really cared much for the rides at the Ex - I mean, they fold up into a truck, how safe is that! Don't think I've ever played a game at the ex - my mother would have just told me it was a waste of money. Ah those carnies! (I was a carnie one summer at Canada's Wonderland - and I can tell you, the games there are possible, just hard)
Yay! The EX! I went a few of years ago with Stef. We ate a lot of junk and felt sick afterwards! I won a curious george toy at one of those water shooting games... and I was the only girl! Wanted to hand it over to a boy to calm down his ego!
But yes, the EX is the place to go before the summer ends... you know school is right around the corner when it's the last weekend. There are several international pavillions to buy stuff, a dog show and skating show here if games and rides are just not your thing. Lots of people...
Yay! The EX! I went a few of years ago with Stef. We ate a lot of junk and felt sick afterwards! I won a curious george toy at one of those water shooting games... and I was the only girl! Wanted to hand it over to a boy to calm down his ego!
But yes, the EX is the place to go before the summer ends... you know school is right around the corner when it's the last weekend. There are several international pavillions to buy stuff, a dog show and skating show here if games and rides are just not your thing. Lots of people...
Hmmm... the Botanical Gardens. I wonder if they have free admissions. If they do, we'll have to make a visit.
That'd be cool!
Lakeshore entrance to the Ex. They're already setting up for the Molson Indy next month. Oops, Honda Indy.
6. Ontario Place
The lakefront complex offers rides and attractions appearling to families (open April-October).
Ahh, Ontario Place. Right on the lake. An extension of the westside beaches and boardwalk quite frankly. And they have a beach! And its on the west side. Thus, another point for the west side beaches!
I'm just shaking my head... totally not an extension!
It's been such a long time since I've been to Ontario place (actually inside the grounds that it. When my bro lived in condo, we sometimes walked over to the parking lot with folding chairs to watch the fireworks by the rocky edges). Have some great childhood memories though. Loved playing at Lego world and Nintendo World. I wonder if they still have that here... also, they had a large tented playground area. The last time I went as a child, it was with my mom. We got a play all day pass - so got to go everywhere. And it was an overcast day so not to busy. Went to the water park, played mini golf, it was all fun. And we used to go as a family to see movies at the cinisphere. I remember seeing a documentary on exploring the ruins of the Titanic.
Well, now a days, Ontario Place is apparently in jeopardy and may possibly close down, which makes me really sad. This summer they have free ground admissions so hopefully things will improve. One of my students, Chanel works at the park as a performer - she says that last year, there would be days when there was like 1 family in the entire park.
That is sad to hear about Ontario Place. The Cinesphere alone is pretty cool... I remember the first time I watched a movie in there... Jim Carrey's "The Mask"... and the last time I was here, was for the Chinese Lantern Festival for my parent's anniversary. I somehow took the wrong streetcar to go here and was more than an hour late. My parents were so worried... They saw everything by the time I got there... but had to go through it again with me. It's really pretty, highly recommend it.. though.. admission is not cheap. I saw Geoff there... according to mon.. my mortal enemy! Didn't have the guts to say hi..
The picture doesn't show it, but it's a great view of the city from here.
I wanted Mon to pose underneath this green thing.... she does look really happy to be squatting near it though!
Paddle boats! Alma's never been paddle boating, so weren't going to have to add that to your list.... if we can locate the list. A few years ago, my brother and I saw someone selling a paddle boat (amongst other stuff) at the side of the road. We should have bought it! On this day, Alma and I were planning a potential cottage trip and vowed that we'd have to get a paddle boat for the cottage.
I've been paddle boating.. just not here. And yeah.. the list has gone digital....
And yes, I love paddle boating!
And yes, it's called paddle boating, not peddle boating as Alex likes to call it.
oh what fun!
We're starving at this point. And we stop to eat at the resaurant.... the Marina Grill or something like that. Why don't we have a picture of this? There was more wait staff than diners. Food was nothing special.
I was so excited to see this bank of public phones. Don't see them that often anymore.
I'm on my cellphone...
The aforementioned cinesphere. When I was really young, I used to get this confused with Epcot center.
Me too!
And nice pic, Mon! Didn't realize how many people were here!
Epoct center. See What i mean???
Those are some cool birdhouses!
Is that our bird? Still following us?
part of Toronto's skyline
Does your beach have a large inuksuk?
hmm... I dunno...
yours doesn't!
yours doesn't!
7. The Princes' Gates
A local landmark honoring Prince Edward and Prince George.
Wow, I'm so ignorant. Until I read the cards, I always thought they were the "Princess Gates".
Hey.. me too!
Hey.. me too!
Too bad they are doing work on them and we couldn't get a clear shot cause of the scafolding. These gates of course, lead into the Exhibition grounds.
Whew! That's the walk. Points tally:
Monica's Beach: ________ Alma's Beach:
Of course, this is just the score at half time. We do still have Alma's Beach to do. Alma is hoping that by the time we do, her Beach has undergone some major improvement efforts.
Monica's Rating: Well, rivalary aside, I like this walk. A nice scenic walk along Toronto's western boardwalk. Parks and nature. Some fun touristy places. Actually, this walk is a great walk for Toronto tourists without a lot of cash to spend. Add all that to a beautiful day with amazing weather, it was a great walk. So I'm going to give it a 4.25/5
Alma's Rating: I'd probably give this walk a 2... no i kid... I really enjoyed this walk. I love being by the water, so I appreciated all the little pavillions, restaurants, parks, and such that go alongside. The west side beach is pretty gorgeous and I'll give it a 4/5! Yeah, I'm not that much of a grump.