Named after the vegetable that the area's impoverished 19th-century residents planted to suppliment their diets, today's Cabbagetown is a charming residential neighborhood. Avoid the area south of Gerrard, which is considered unsafe.
DATE: Sunday, May 19, 2013.
Cabbagetown! I'm excited about this one. My mother says I've been to Riverdale farm as a kid, but I don't remember this at all. As a west-side girl, I rarely venture east of Yonge St, so I'm excited to discover a new-to-me Toronto neighborhood. And what better way to explore a new neighborhood than to do it on a gorgeous day like this one with two of my closest friends, Alma and Sean.
In part in being in good company, this happens to be our 25th walk! We've officially reached the half way point, folks! To celebrate this momentous occasion, we're... eating cake! or so we planned...
Oh, and a little plug for Sean. Sean has co- written, directed, and produced a little play that will be featured at the Toronto Fringe Festival, July4-6. It's called Erotic Tales from the Old Testament. Check out the link:
Just before this picture was taken, Sean says his goal for this walk is to hug a baby lamb fresh from its mother's womb...
this was followed by Mon talking about kissing one of her baby nephews right after birth...
I have no comment for this besides,
Comments like these, make these walks even greater!
this was followed by Mon talking about kissing one of her baby nephews right after birth...
I have no comment for this besides,
Comments like these, make these walks even greater!
So the walk begins with a stroll through the neighborhood to check out the heritage buildings. This old neighborhood, with plenty of blooming gardens, is the perfect place to gather more specimens for my Audoban of Lawn Ornaments.
The first (of many) lawn ornaments of the day. I initially classified this as a gargoyle but Sean says that's its more of a dragon. Thoughts?
I was also thinking gargoyle.
I was also thinking gargoyle.
1. Spruce Courth Apartments (74-108 Spruce St.)
Though it's now an atmosphereic co-op with plenty of period character, in 1913 it opened as Toronto's first public-housing project.
See that owl down there in the garden? Just to clarify, it's a lawn oranament not a real owl. Thought this was going to be as good as the picture was going to get, but then Sean just matter of factly opened the gate to the garden and led us in. We're so much braver when he's around.

Well, only slightly braver. I still felt like I was trespassing which is why I didn't get close enough to this owl, hence the poor lighting.
Well, only slightly braver. I still felt like I was trespassing which is why I didn't get close enough to this owl, hence the poor lighting.
Have we mentioned what a beautiful time of the year it is. Everything is in bloom.
A frog lawn ornament.
By the way, I meant to zoom in and crop all these pictures before uploading, but that's too much work. Soooo, just pretend you can see these properly.
2. Heritage Row houses (119-133 Spruce St.)
So, these weren't the homes the cards meant for us to take in. But no worries, they really weren't any different from the other row houses we did get pictures of.
And the first Harry Potter reference of the day comes from Alma. Alma looked at this house and remarked it had the Griffindor colours. I was so proud of her attempting to make a Harry Potter reference, I kind of didn't want to correct her. Griffindor colours are crimson and gold.
I must add that i was wearing sunglasses that have a reddish tint....
oh man...
I must add that i was wearing sunglasses that have a reddish tint....
oh man...
Well this is definately a gargoyle!
kinda creeping behind that plant.
kinda creeping behind that plant.
Is this a lawn ornament? Sean voted yes, but Alma voted no. True it is ornamental and in a lawn....however..... it doesn't have the essence I'm looking for in the audoban. Hmmm.... this is harder than I thought.
Audubon of lawn ornaments is copyrighted ...
Audubon of lawn ornaments is copyrighted ...
A nice little schoolyard in the middle of the neighborhood.
I liked how the wooden bleachers were built into the landscape.
The park is on "Gildersleeve". Sounds like a name that belongs in the world of Harry Potter!
Does it, Monica?! Are you sure?! That kinda sounds like a forced Harry Potter reference...
Does it, Monica?! Are you sure?! That kinda sounds like a forced Harry Potter reference...
Check out Alma's Google sunglasses!
Unfortunately not the type with websurfing capabilities.
When we first met up that day and were commenting on Alma's glasses, Sean suggested that we do a Google themed walk, which was pretty much the theme of our last one.
Alma and I were slightly hurt that Sean didn't know that.
Don't you read our blog Sean!?!?
Unfortunately not the type with websurfing capabilities.
When we first met up that day and were commenting on Alma's glasses, Sean suggested that we do a Google themed walk, which was pretty much the theme of our last one.
Alma and I were slightly hurt that Sean didn't know that.
Don't you read our blog Sean!?!?
I really love the gardens in this neighborhood. They are small, often have beautiful fragrant flowers, lawn ornaments and often a fun, eclectic wildness to it. It is for this reason, that I could imagine Sean living in a house here. (Not to mention the charm of the houses- they're not cookie cutters- as well as the charm of the neighborhood.)
This one isn't particularly interesting (the picture was taken for the duck lawn ornament) but I enjoy the overgrown quality of the garden. I mentioned that the Weasley's have an overgrown garden. Alma said that my reference was forced.
I think Mon is a bit jealous that I actually made the first reference, that now Mon is pulling out all the stops by trying to name the MOST HP references EVER!
I think Mon is a bit jealous that I actually made the first reference, that now Mon is pulling out all the stops by trying to name the MOST HP references EVER!
So many beautiful flowers were sighted on this walk. Here are a few:
Gorgeous colour
Well this can't be safe.
But perhaps someone dropped their keys and a helpful neighbor picked them up and left them to be found.
See! There's some row houses.
I tried making another HP reference here, saying that Snape lived in a row house (and of course Alma said it was forced) but I stand corrected. Just checked the books, JK Rowling never says they are row houses. Just that there are rows and rows of houses.
We strayed off the intended path a bit and discovered this great park. Sean pointed out what a great toboganning hill this would make.
Also a great place to just hang out and lay in the park... picnic... or make out (that's what one couple was doing to the left of us).
Also a great place to just hang out and lay in the park... picnic... or make out (that's what one couple was doing to the left of us).
3. Riverdale Park and Farm (201 Winchester St.)
...catch a glimpse of rural Canadian life.
This was really cool. Definately would like to come back with my nephews. A peaceful, pretty farm. Bigger and more interactive than the High Park Zoo.
I've never been here before, but this small farm within the city is pretty awesome. You kinda forget that you're downtown walking through this place.
Unfortunately, Riverdale Farm is facing closure due to cuts. So if you do go here, please make a donation to keep this place alive!
Check out the video of Sean attempting to converse with the sheep.
It's a brown cow so that means she makes chocolate milk right?
These cows were very loud and smelly.
I was telling Alma and Sean that as as Science teacher I get to debunk many misconceptions and turn students' world's upside down (that's an exaggeration).
A couple of weeks ago I blew their minds when I informed them that all cows are female and bulls were male.
What else did you say?! There was a whole list!
Most of them involve human reproduction so I'll refrain from listing them here.
Trying not to become roasted
(it was a scorcher of a day... alex said it was hotter in toronto than in san jose!)
Riverdale Farm's signature windmill
Sean commented how the hens feathers looked oily...
he was also blowing air to a hen's behind...
ruffling those feathers!
When we entered the barn of the sheep and the lamb, the farmer sort of trapped us in saying that they were going to bring the sheep in. We don't mind. Maybe Sean will get a chance to hug a baby lamb!
Still waiting...
Across from the sheep pen is a goat pen where there a couple of kids (baby goats). A little boy was getting a lot of love from one of the goats. The goat was sticking his head out and letting the boy pet him. We'll get our chance....
He he he. See these guys. 2 girls and a guy. When they entered and saw the little boy petting the goat, they whispered under their breath that they wanted to pet the goat too.
We joked that they're "bizzaro us".
A blurry picture of Sean and Alma laughing at the discovery of "bizzaro us".
It took awhile for this goat to come over, but Sean was able to lure it with its own hay...
Well even if Sean doesn't get to hug a baby lamb, at least he got to snuggle and kiss a baby goat. Apparently, the goat smelt like goat cheese.
Finally the sheep come charging into the barn. Unfortunately the lambs are too busy eating to come give Sean a hug. So we move along.
Check out this horse. It's tail hair is so long, soon it will be stepping on it. It's hair was really really dry. Looking at it made Alma feel like she had super dry hair.
If you look hard enough, you'll see that this horse has a goatee!
It kinda needs a trimming.
More sheep! They may have been Scottish Blackface Sheep (I only know this breed from teaching cloning and the process of how Dolly the cloned sheep was created. A Scottish Blackface sheep was the surrogate mother to Dolly.)
Now, these guys were funny. There were a couple of sheep who I swear we either having a conversation or playing Marco Polo. One would baa, then the other would baa in response. And it just kept repeating. Check out this link to see a video of it:
This place is labeled as a butterfly conservatory...I think...
we didn't see any butterflies, but we did get to see baby ducklings!
What a perfect day to be out!
Hehehe. There they are! "Bizzaro us", sitting and chatting.
Aren't they cute?!
If the shoe fits!
Notable for its attractive Gothic Revival chapel and parklike cemetery....contains a moument to some of Canad'as most influential early citizens.
Across from the farm is the Necropolis. So pretty! Love cemetaries - the quiet tranquility. It's not creepy!
Follow the light
Follow the leaders
Entering the cemetery...
Here's that monument.
I commented that some of these tomb stones kind of looked like giant chess pieces. This one is like a bishop. Alma and Sean agreeed. I then pointed out there were giant chess piece in the first HP book.
This is where Sean mocks me and once again confirms that he doesn't read our blog :(
This one's a pawn.
Is this where zombies come out from.
Some of these tombstones are way too close to the edge!
Oh Sean. When he saw this his brain orginally read it as vagina section.
Perhaps this is the perfect time for another plug for Sean's play.
Jack Layton's grave.
The entrance to the Riverdale Park.
Looks like a nice community park. There was a birthday party going on and a pinata hung up. I think we should get a pinata.
A cute little ice cream and snack stand across from the park. They must make a killing.
We continue our walk through the Cabbagetown neighborhood on our route to the next stop.
And Sean finally gets to hug a baby lamb.
and as Sean said:
Holding him like Jesus-style
We do too!
There's a a few of these signs up on the lawns in the neighborhood, commemorating the lives of various Torontonians.
A magician first and foremost.
The three of us discussed living together here in this triplex. I pointed out, they'd probably hate sharing a building like this with me. I'd probably get up first (cause of my job) and use up all the hot water.
Sean makes friends everywhere he goes.
This totally is a HP sounding name.
no comment.
Check out the Cabbagetown flag. A few houses sport this. Can't think of any other neighborhood with its own flag. Tres cool.
More row houses!
Too bad. This dead end street is perfect for street hockey. Low traffic, won't have to move for cars every minute.
Can't believe its a bylaw not to play street hockey here. That's so unCandian.
I want this!
Tho it's extremely heavy! Also Sean's curious if the bike is for the taking... since it's near the curb.
Alpha Ave.
I wanna live here.
What a cute little place to live... there was an open house, but it closed just 30 mins before we got there... Mon suggested that if we sounded really disappointed in missing it, the real estate agent might come out and entertain us...
It was around this time that I said I really wish I could upload the smells of this walk. There's all the fragrant flowers, the animals, including Sean's goat cheese smelling goat, and now barbeque. We can smells lots of barbequing going on around us. If only we could swing an invite.
These cottages are also really cute!
But we discussed how in a place like this, your business would pretty much be everybody's business!
Rusty pig lawn ornament
So we're currently walking along Wellesley St. Sean earlier asked me if this was the same Wellesley Street that has the subway station and I was convinced it wasn't because in my head we were way south, like closer to Queens Street. I later realized I was wrong, and this was the same Wellesley St. My apologies Sean. He then proceeded to do an imitation of me, in which I had a British accent.
I take pictures of lost gloves... this is number 4 in my collection
An audoban of lost gloves!
Rooster lawn ornament
Mon and Sean want to live in that small section!
5. St. James Cemetery
Established in 1844, the city's oldest cemetery is dominated by St. James the Less Chapel, one of Canada's finest examples of High Victorian Gothic architecture.
Yea, another cemetary... except we're hungry now so we don't really explore as much as we would have had this been the only cemetary on the walk.
Even the cemetary has lawn ornaments.
Guess what time it is?!
Well according to the sundial it's 3, but it's really 4.
Sean figured it doesn't account for daylight savings time!
It's sadly not open.
There was a gentleman that was painting the above chapel and Sean and I were really curious of his work...
This is Sean being leering to see the painting
6. Jetfuel Coffee (519 Parliament St.)
A hipster java joint that hosts art exhibitions.
well we didn't really celebrate here, but we did have a snack.
I don't remember anything about this place.
A local favorite...offeres beers on tap, delicious food, and an enclosed patio.
I had the burger... it was really good!
Here's to 25!
We didn't end up getting cake...too full.
next walk!
Aye. Alma and I both ordered the "Pompus Ass" beer. But then the waiter when he brought us our beers he called them "Boneshakers" - brought us the wrong beer. We're not really complainers (just to each other) so we didn't say anything. I didn't really like it. Maybe it's cause I knew it wasn't what I ordered. I think I barely drank half of it. Unusual for me to leave my drink unfinished.
I don't know why... but I didn't like our waiter. I know I should write more about this, but it was more a gut feeling than actually him doing anything... actually our beer order was wrong... but besides that... he just rubbed me off the wrong way.
How much Sean drank to start feeling tipsy
This pic is not of Monica... but of the bizarro us!
Do you think they were doing the walk too?!
This happened to us before...
Walkers need to unite!
MONICA'S RATING: Great walk! Glad I got the opportunity to explore this neighborhood. Would definately come back again. Maybe there are some cool stores that could be included in this walk as well. 4.5 sheep out of 5.
Alma's Rating: I also really enjoyed this walk. It was a lot of fun exploring a different part of the city that we've never been to before. Thanks cards! I would definitely do this walk again. Will give this walk a 4.5 out of 5.
We're still taking applications for any walkers out there who want to do a walk with us!
Leave a comment below with the walk you'd like to do and we'll make it work!
Here's to the next 25!